A Cool Way to Shorten Board Meetings

A "consent agenda" is an option that boards may use to streamline their meeting agendas.  The directors agree -- or "consent" -- to group as one item those routine matters that do not require discussion.  The directors review the consent agenda items and related materials ahead of time, and any director can elect to remove an item from the consent agenda if he or she wants to discuss it.  Otherwise, the board votes just once to approve all the items that fall under the consent agenda.

The chairperson and chief executive select the items to be placed in the consent agenda. A director who wishes to remove an item from the consent agenda should notify the chairperson immediately.  However, at the beginning of the meeting, the chairperson should ask if any director wishes to remove an item from the consent agenda and place it on the full agenda. If not, he or she should move for the vote approving the consent agenda.

The main risk is that issues that warrant debate will slip through.  Therefore, all directors should understand the role of the consent agenda and be vigilant against any substantive issue passing without the appropriate level of deliberation. 


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